About Me

Where do I even begin?

My name is Zoe Alatsas. For the last twenty-one years, I have been searching for a way to best express myself to the world. It is through that search that I discovered my passion for writing and telling stories. While studying English at Fordham University, I worked for a variety of publications, including Arts Management Magazine and NYSMusic, as well as the University’s publications like The Fordham Ram and the Fordham Political Review. From fiction to journaling to breaking news, I will always find a way to share my thoughts, feelings, and wishes with the world.

Originally hailing from Brooklyn, New York, the city has always been one of my biggest inspirations for my writing. Being surrounded by wonderful writers, editors, and the ever-beating heart of the industry has uplifted me more than any other experience. I know that no matter where I go, I will be carrying that confidence with me. It will never leave. No matter where I am, The Big Apple has always been, and always will be my home.